b'ARTEFACTA D TB C 0 9K E Y S O F L I F ESkibos organ has provided a soundtrack to life at the castle since 1904, as Victoria Connor recountsE ach morning, members at Skibo enjoy breakfastand their staff all gathered in the hall for hymns. Louise to the sound of the castles historic pipe organ,would compile a list of between 10 and 12 hymns and lead a musical tradition that dates back more than athe ad-hoc congregation in song. The hymn books that century. Skibos former owner Andrew Carnegie loved musicshe would pass around, Songs of the Christian Life,as part of his philanthropic giving he founded numerousstill sit on a shelf in the castles library.music halls, and gave thousands of pipe organs to churchesWhile Louise was in charge of the Sunday evening around the world. It is unsurprising, then, that music washymnal playlist, Andrew took charge of the secular tunes central to life at Skibo. The castle was filled with the soundsthat were to be played at Skibo. No fancy pieces, he of bagpipes, the Bechstein piano in the Drawing Room andordered. These prostitute the organ. Haydn, Bach and the impressive Brindley & Foster pipe organ in the hall,Wagner were his favoured composers.A P R O U D C U S T O D I A N which was a gift from Carnegies wife Louise in 1904. Today, the same Brindley & Foster organ enjoyed by The organ was played each morning, with Louisethe Carnegies and their guests is still played daily at SkiboO F T H E S P I R I T O F S C O T L A N Dwriting: We come down to breakfast greeted by swelling though members are as likely to hear Coldplay as they tones, beginning with hymn or chorale, and swelling intoare the composers that Carnegie requestedand, moreJusterini & Brooks. Two centuries of rare and fine whiskies.Amy Murrellselections from the oratorios. It was also played eachthan 110 years after it was installed, the organ still brings Sunday evening when, at 9pm, the Carnegies, their guestsjoy to those who hear it.Justerinis.com/rare-whisky'